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Category: Melaka Acupuncture & Acupressure

Acupuncture & Acupressure|Acupuncture|Acupressure|Acupuncture Treatment|Acupressure Treatment|Acupuncturist|Acupressurist|Acupuncture Therapy|Acupressure Therapy has extensive information on Acupuncture and acupressure are based on ancient Japanese and Chinese medicine. In acupuncture, special needles are inserted into points just under the skin to promote pain relief and healing. In acupressure, pressure is placed onsimilar points for the same purposes. Both systems are based on a belief thathealth relies on maintaining a balanced flow of qi, (also referred toas chi), a vital life energy present in all living organisms. Qi supposedly circulates along 12 major energy pathways in the body, called meridians. Each is linked to specific organs and systems in the body. Within the meridian system there are over one thousand acupoints, which are specificanatomical locations that can be stimulated to control the flow of qi.

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